Health Professions - Radiologic Technology

Degree Type
Associate of Applied Science

Program Description

The Associate of Applied Science Degree in Health Professions - Radiologic Technology is a comprehensive approach to preparing students to acquire expertise in the field of radiography. The responsibilities of the radiologic technologist include performing diagnostic radiographic procedures, such as a chest X-ray or an X-ray of a broken bone, as well as procedures which require the use of contrast agents to visualize organs in the body. The technologist is also responsible for assisting the radiologist during fluoroscopic and special procedures, processing the radiographic image, and positioning the patient while ensuring that the patient's mental and physical comfort is maintained.

The program is offered in partnership with the hospital-based radiologic technologist diploma program at Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center. The College provides classroom instruction, and the hospital-based program provides specialized classroom and clinical experience.

Career Opportunities

Upon successful completion of all program requirements, the graduate has the option of registering and completing the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) exam at a participating center. The College does not guarantee results of this registry exam. There is also opportunity for professional growth and advancement in specialty areas such as ultrasound, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, computerized automated tomography (CT), special procedures, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

  • Registered staff technologist in a hospital, clinic or doctor's office
  • Registered staff technologist in industry
  • Registered staff technologist in the military
  • Management
  • Research
  • Education
  • Sales

Program Objectives

Upon completion of the program, the student will be able to:

  1. Possess the didactic knowledge and clinical skills needed to achieve a diagnostic radiograph.
  2. Evaluate radiographic images for positioning/technical quality.
  3. Maintain radiation protection for patients as well as for radiology personnel and other members of the healthcare team.
  4. Exhibit an empathetic approach in providing quality patient care.
  5. Possess a professional attitude expected of all healthcare providers.
  6. Incorporate ethico-legal guidelines in meeting the health needs of patient, family and community.
  7. Demonstrate accomplishment of the terminal competencies and assume an entry level position as a Radiologic Technologist.

Obtaining the Degree

To earn the Associate of Applied Science degree, students must:

  • Apply to Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center and be accepted into the hospital-based radiological technology diploma program. Application and additional program information can be found at Specific application requirements apply.
  • Satisfactorily pass the comprehensive final exam in the hospital-based radiological technology diploma program at Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center.
  • Satisfactorily complete all degree requirements including college courses and all hospital-based courses.

Application Process:

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College accepts a block transfer of 32 credits from Conemaugh School of Radiologic Technology towards an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Health Professions - Radiologic Technology.   

Students must apply and be accepted to the Conemaugh School of Radiologic Technology in order to complete the Associate of Applied Science Degree. In order to be eligible for admission, the student must meet all requirements set forth by the School of Radiologic Technology including the satisfactory completion (C grade or higher) of any specified prerequisite coursework.

The program prerequisite is successful completion HSC 130 Basic Anatomy and Physiology (3 credits) with a grade of C or higher. This course is offered to entering students during the summer semester.

Major Requirements

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Program prerequisites include:

  • Students must be graduates of an approved high school.  The GED equivalency is accepted. 
  • Completion of the following high school courses with a "C" grade average or better within the last five years: Algebra I, Biology, and Chemistry.
  • Completion of the following college course with a "C" grade average or better: HSC 130 Basic Anatomy and Physiology.
Total Credits
Course Sequencing
Course Code
Sub-Total Credits
Course Code
Sub-Total Credits
Course Code
Sub-Total Credits
Course Code
Sub-Total Credits
Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

*Upon successful completion of all specialized classroom and clinical experience administered and offered only by Conemaugh School of Radiologic Technology, the College awards a technical block of 32 credits.

Total Pennsylvania Highlands Community College Credits (32)
Conemaugh School of Radiologic Technology Technical Block Credits (32)