Computer Science


CSC 101: Introduction to Computer Science

Class Program
Credits 3

This course provides an introduction to the field of computer science. Topics to be covered include: basics of computer architecture and organization, digital logic and data representation, algorithm analysis and design, programming languages, and software engineering.


ENG 020 Introduction to Composition, ICR 031 Critical College Reading, and MAT 085 Algebra Fundamentals, or by placement exam.

CSC 121: Introduction to Software Engineering

Class Program
Credits 3

This course provides an introduction to the principles and practices of software engineering. It is designed to serve as a first course in computer science for students and introduce students to software engineering practices.

Students will learn about the software development life cycle, including requirements analysis, system design, coding, testing, and maintenance. The course will also cover project management techniques and tools, software quality assurance, and the ethical and professional responsibilities of a software engineer.


ENG 020 Introduction to Composition, ICR 031 Critical College Reading, and MAT 085 Algebra Fundamentals, or by placement exam.

CSC 126: Programming I

Class Program
Credits 3

This course introduces the student to the process of creating algorithms for the solution of problems using a computer.  Problem solving structures will first be presented independent of programming language.  Concepts, including variables, assignment statements, conditionals, loops, functions, and arrays are explored.


ENG 020 Introduction to Composition, ICR 031 Critical College Reading, and MAT 085 Algebra Fundamentals; or by placement exam.

CSC 211: Survey of Programming Languages

Class Program
Credits 3

This course is a comparative survey of programming languages and their paradigms that includes examinations of the properties, applications, syntax, and semantics of selected programming languages.  Students will be expected to have a solid programming background such that they can quickly learn various aspects of different programming languages on their own.