Withdrawal Process

Students who wish to withdraw from a course after the end of the Add/Drop period but before the deadline for a student-initiated withdrawal, must complete a Course Withdrawal Form. In no case should a student rely on a verbal statement as evidence of withdrawal. Official withdrawal requires the student's signature in consultation with an academic advisor and the Student Financial Services Office. The completed Course Withdrawal Form must be submitted to the Registrar's Office with all required signatures prior to the deadline specified in the College's academic calendar. Non-attendance does not constitute official withdrawal.  A "W" grade will be assigned for the withdrawn courses. 

  • A student who withdraws from a class after the Add/Drop period or before the end of the 8th week of a 15-week semester; 6th week of a 12-week semester; 4th week of a 7-week semester; 3rd week of a 5-week semester; 8th day of a 3-week semester; 3rd day of a 1-week semester, will receive a "W" for the final grade.
  • A student is not permitted to withdraw from a class after the 8th week of a 15-week semester; 6th week of a 12-week semester; 4th week of a 7-week semester; 3rd week of a 5-week semester; 8th day of a 3-week semester; 3rd day of a 1-week semester and will receive a final grade as assigned by the instructor.