Student Printing Procedures

  1. Students are given a printing account, assigned to their computer login, at the beginning of each semester consisting of 250 free pages.
  2. Students who require more than 250 pages of printing in a semester may add to their account by purchasing pages in increments of $1, $5, or $10 at $.05 per page.
  3. Additional pages may be purchased from the Student Accounts Office at the Richland Campus or from the secretaries at all College facilities with a valid student ID. Purchased pages are generally added to an account on the next business day.
  4. Students receive notice when their account has only 25 pages remaining and are encouraged to add to their accounts as soon as possible to avoid a lag in their ability to print.
  5. Pages are nontransferable between printing accounts.
  6. Printing accounts are reset at the end of each semester. Unused prints may not be carried over to a future semester.
  7. This policy covers all College printers.