Student Grievance Process for Non-Academic Matters

The student concern reporting, and resolution process is available to students who have concerns regarding non-academic matters such as violations of College policy not related to Code of Conduct violations (examples include transportation policy, facilities issues, admissions, etc.). If a resolution cannot be achieved or differences have not been resolved through discussion with the involved college representative and the student seeks additional mediation, the student may initiate a formal concern resolution process.

  1. Students must submit their complaint report in writing to the Dean of Enrollment Services and Registrar within ten calendar days of the date in which the incident or the complaint occurred. In the written complaint, the student will describe his or her concerns, the events that led to those concerns, and what the student seeks as a possible remedy.
  2. Upon receipt of the report, the Dean of Enrollment Services and Registrar will forward the report to the appropriate Director/Dean who will speak with the student and any other persons believed to be a part of the issue to establish the facts surrounding the concern. Within five business days of receiving the report for review and following a thorough review of the information provided, the Director/Dean will provide the student with information regarding the results of the review and inform the student of any action to be taken to remedy the situation and a timeframe in which this remedy will occur.  Should the Director/Dean be the subject of the concern, the Dean of Enrolment Services and Registrar will select a Dean/Director to hear the concern.  Should the Dean of Enrolment Services and Registrar be the subject of the concern, the Vice President of Student Services will report a Dean/Director to handle all aspects of the review of the concern.
  3. If no amicable solution can be reached by the Director/Dean and the student, the Dean of Enrolment Services and Registrar will convene the Student Concern Committee. The Student Concern Committee will review the written report provided by the student, all documentation associated with the Director/Deans review of the concern, and any recommended remedies. Upon review of these documents, the Student Concern Committee will render a written recommendation and will notify the student of this recommendation within five business days.


An appeal to review a decision of the Student Concern Committee will be granted if and only if one or more of the three situations below are met:

  • That a procedural error occurred during the process (ex. someone involved who should not have been, a timeline not met, substantiated bias)
  • New evidence that was previously unknown or unavailable
  • Remedies that impose undue hardship on the parties involved

Students who wish to appeal a decision made by the Student Concern Committee must submit a request for appeal letter to the Vice President of Student Services within five business days of the decision of the Student Concern Committee.  This appeal letter must specify which circumstances listed above are the basis for the appeal.  All appeals will be reviewed and ruled upon within five business days.

Within five working days of receipt of the student appeal, the Vice President of Student Services will issue a decision regarding the appeal.  This decision will either uphold the decision of the Student Concern Committee or will issue other remedies. This decision will be given in writing to the student, and the decision of the Vice President of Student Services is final.

Student Concern Committee

The Student Concern Committee will consist of three Director/Dean level administrators from within the Student Services Division.  Any Director/Dean that is named in a report is not eligible to serve on the Student Concern Committee for that particular concern.