Pennsylvania Highlands Community College General Education Statement

General education at Pennsylvania Highlands Community College reflects our conviction that all associate degree graduates must demonstrate proficiency in the following foundational skills: critical thinking, scientific/quantitative reasoning, information literacy, effective communication, awareness of a diverse world, and technological expertise. These skills are essential for success in both college and career in an increasingly complex global economy, and they will ensure that students are equipped to develop as well-rounded and competent individuals through a lifetime of learning.

  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning: Students must be able to synthesize resources and use higher-level thinking and analytical skills to support their reasoning.
  • Scientific/Quantitative Reasoning: Students must be able to apply quantitative reasoning and methods, including the experimental method, mathematical formulae, and statistical analysis, to solving problems.
  • Information Literacy: Students must be able to determine the extent of information needed, access the needed information effectively and efficiently, evaluate information and its sources critically, incorporate the information into their knowledge base, and understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use the information ethically and legally.
  • Effective Communication: Students must demonstrate fluency in both written and oral communications. Students will examine situational, cultural, and personal contexts to compose clear and complete communications.
  • Cultural Awareness and Diverse Perspectives: Students must explore various cultures to understand a diverse world and to compete in the global marketplace.
  • Technological Competency: Students must demonstrate basic knowledge of fundamental computer operations and software applications.
  • Values and Ethics: Students should be able to explain their own values and beliefs, as well as to understand the histories and cultures behind those values, and understand the complexities underlying moral and ethical questions and the consequences of choices we make as individuals and as members of communities.

Summary Statement: Students must present an associate degree level of academic and professional competence to the college and community. They must possess the skills necessary for lifelong learning.