Drug-Free College Environment

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of drugs and alcohol is prohibited at any College facility or activity under the authority of Pennsylvania Highlands. Any student violating the policy will be disciplined under relevant provisions of the Student Code of Conduct.

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College Policy for a Drug-Free Campus is as follows:

  1. The consumption, possession, or sale of any alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs at any College facility is prohibited.
  2. Appearing at a College facility or at an off-campus event under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs is prohibited.
  3. The consumption, possession, or sale of any alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs at College-sponsored or College recognized events is prohibited by the College.
  4. The procedures for the enforcement of the Drug-Free Campus Policy are as follows: Any College employee who is responsible for monitoring behavior at both College and off-campus events will also be responsible for reporting policy violations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Services. Students or other individuals witnessing policy violations will report those violations to either the College employee in charge of the event or to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Services.
  5. Students who violate the Drug-Free Campus Policies will be subject to the Student Code of Conduct sanctions.

More detailed information about College Policies regarding a Drug-Free College Environment can be found on the College's website.