Credit Hours

The College applies the commonly accepted and traditional Carnegie unit definition of a semester credit hour which defines one semester unit of credit as equal to a minimum of three hours of work per week for a semester. A credit hour equals 1 hour (50 minutes) of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of 2 hours of out-of-class work each week. The distribution of the credit hour usually occurs over a 15-week semester; additionally, the credit hour policy is applied consistently over different length sessions such as those that occur in accelerated sessions, summer sessions and intersessions. While applied to the standard lecture-style classroom experience, there are several other educational experiences for which credit hours can be awarded including any combination of elements described. For example, combinations can include a lecture course that has required laboratory periods or a lecture course that includes a requirement for supervised independent study or supervised educational activities. A credit hour calculation worksheet will be completed for each mode of delivery of a course to ensure credit hour policy adherence. Semester credit hours are granted for different types of instruction as follows.

1.      Lecture: One lecture credit hour represents 1 hour per week of scheduled class time and 2 hours of student preparation time. Most lecture courses are awarded 3 credit hours which equates to 45 hours of class time and 90 hours of student preparation. For accelerated and weekend courses, faculty must also document, through their syllabus addendums how courses will meet the minimum semester credit hour requirement

2.      Laboratory: One laboratory credit hour represents 2-3 hours per week of lecture, demonstration, discussion time, or scheduled supervised or independent laboratory work, and 2 hours of student preparation time.

3.      Independent study: One independent study credit hour represents 3-4 hours per week of supervised and/or independent study. For example, for a 3-credit independent study, this equates to 135 total hours of academic work per semester.

4.      Distance/Online Education: One credit hour in distance education courses is equivalent to commonly accepted and the traditional credit hour as stated above. Credit hours for online and hybrid learning courses must adhere to the credit hour policy expectation of 45 total learning hours for every 1 credit earned in a semester regardless of time frame delivery.

5.      Internships: One internship credit represents 45 hours of scheduled supervised work. Interns must have completed a minimum of 50% of the credits required for their program and earned at least a 2.0 grade point average to participate in an internship program. Programs may have additional requirements.

6.      Hybrid: A hybrid class is one which requires classroom attendance via electronic communication and the College's Learning Management System (LMS). Classroom meetings to be scheduled for a minimum of 50% of the course's required hours. Classroom meetings must be regularly scheduled throughout the semester. The instructor is responsible to communicate the class meeting days/times in accordance with the Master Course Schedule and on their course syllabus at the beginning of the semester.